Sunny Long

Sunny brings a wealth of experience from the consumer and fintech sectors in Silicon Valley. With a successful track record of leading product and growth teams at multiple startups, his expertise has been instrumental in Pie's expansion to support VAT refunds in Europe and Asia. Prior to Pie, Sunny led the global payments team at Udacity.

Sunny Long

Sunny brings a wealth of experience from the consumer and fintech sectors in Silicon Valley. With a successful track record of leading product and growth teams at multiple startups, his expertise has been instrumental in Pie's expansion to support VAT refunds in Europe and Asia. Prior to Pie, Sunny led the global payments team at Udacity.

Sunny Long

Sunny brings a wealth of experience from the consumer and fintech sectors in Silicon Valley. With a successful track record of leading product and growth teams at multiple startups, his expertise has been instrumental in Pie's expansion to support VAT refunds in Europe and Asia. Prior to Pie, Sunny led the global payments team at Udacity.

Dominic Sheehy

Dom, is the driving force behind the development of Pie's platforms aimed at supporting merchants and tourists on a global scale. With a seasoned career as a software engineer, Dom's expertise spans many industries in Silicon Valley. Prior to Pie, he led the engineering team at Thirdlove.

Our Mission

Supercharge tourism by empowering local partners globally and delighting global tourists locally.



717 Market St. STE 100

San Francisco, CA 94103



Fuglevangsvej 11-13




CVR: 39877848

NUF Number: 922585717



GinzaSix 13F